6 Noninvasive Pain Relief Treatments That You Can Do at Home

Pains come and go and we ignore the alarming signs by thinking that it’s just another day and the pain will go away. Well, it is very much possible that some of the pains will go ways 1-2 days, but that doesn’t eliminate the possibility that the pain won’t visit you frequently. Some pains can become very frequent or stay for weeks and can sabotage the way of your normal life. If you are experiencing such frequent pains you must visit the pain clinic Singapore for the proper consultation and treatment.  

But, still, we have several misconceptions about pains; the 3 major misconceptions of them are,

  • You have tried everything, from gel to painkillers, so there is no way left except surgery
  • You have become aged and the frequent pain should be a rational issue, so it’s better left neglected
  • If the pain is caused due to any sports injury or minor accidents and now the only option is to rest and wait for the surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is not, rather in a lot of cases, surgical treatment may be the only option you will ever have. To get a better point of view about Singapore pain solution techniques, follow this article to the end.

Here in this article, now we are going to talk about less costly, but extremely effective noninvasive pain relief treatment and the best thing about it is that you can do some of these as a self-help treatment.

Cold and heat therapy

These two methods, cold and heat therapy have been in use for a very long time and still serving its purposes. You can use a pack to simultaneously use cold and heat therapy, which penetrates deep into the skin and treat our muscles and tissues. After any minor injury or sprain or muscle stiffness, cold and heat therapy is the most common treatment.

Physical exercise

Physical activity plays a major role in keeping you healthy for a long time, but in addition to that, exercises can reduce certain pains and provide mobility. Physical exercise doesn’t only include weight training, but swimming, yoga, walking or cycling or indulging in any sport. But beware, if you have any kind of muscular pain, consult a doctor before resuming any exercises.


You must have been thinking that meditation is only good for our mental health, so how meditation is related to our physical health, right? To get the answer, start meditating today and you will feel the change within a while as it will strengthen your mind to take charge of your health.

Therapeutic massage

Message or more clearly, therapeutic massage is very helpful to relieve our body from any pain. While normal massage therapy will heal your body and make you feel light and comfortable, therapeutic massage can focus on your pain and relieve them by relaxing the muscles and joints. Your doctor can prescribe you what type of therapeutic massage do you require and you will feel the change after a few sessions.

Physical and occupational treatment

Both of these treatments go in the same direction, but with different approaches.

  • A physical therapist will heal you through several exercises, which are specially designed to provide comfort and mobility.
  • An occupational therapist will let you know about a few daily activities that can be helpful for your condition.

Music therapy

No don’t be surprised a bit as several studies have shown that music can relieve our pain, but most importantly music stimulates our nervous system, which leads to a strong, healthy and pain-free body.  
