What are the Causes and Treatments for Neck Pain? – Homemade Knee Pain Treatment

Our neck has 7 vertebras (C1-17) that stretch from our head to torso. Any abnormality in any of these areas, such as major or minor injury can cause neck pain. Most of the time neck pain happens due to our posture or sitting straight for a long time, which is temporary. But, your neck pain is disturbing you for a long time or making sudden visits, you must go to a neck pain clinic immediately.  

Some of the common causes of neck pain

Your neck pain can come from several reasons, such as

Strain or tension in the muscle

It mostly happens due to,
  • Poor posture
  • If the worker has a desk job and doesn’t move much
  • Bad sleeping positions
  • During exercises


The neck is a very crucial part of our body, if not taken care of, you can suffer from lifelong paralysis. Neck pain can cause due to any accidents, whether it happens with a car or at the field while playing sport. If for any reason the muscles and ligaments of the neck structure come into an abnormal position, you will suffer from severe neck pain.

Heart attack

No, a heart attack doesn’t cause neck pain, but a symptom of heart attack itself. If neck pain comes with these conditions, you might have a heart attack in the future.

  • Breathing problem
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nausea
  • Joint pain

If one or more of the symptoms appear with neck pain, you must consult a doctor immediately.


Meningitis can cause headaches with neck pain, which can land you in the emergency room, if not treated early.

Neck pain treatment

When you will visit a doctor about your neck pain, he/she will examine your symptoms and will conduct some tests on you. Be sure to tell them all about medical history or the medication you took or still taking, especially if you have had an accident that hits your neck badly.

After the diagnosis part, your neck pain treatment will begin. So, the doctor may ask you to go through

  • Blood tests
  • X-ray
  • CT scan
  • MRI scans etc.

After getting the result, they will prescribe you the best treatment possible. These treatments are

  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Exercises that include stretching, aerobics, swimming, jogging, yoga, etc
  • Pain-relieving medications
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Neck collar
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgical procedure (if everything fails)

There are some alternative treatments are also available,

  • Old Chinese technique or acupuncture
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Electric shock therapy

Natural homemade treatment for knee pain

Like neck pain, knee pain is also a very disturbing condition, which can restrict you from walking for the rest of your life, if not treated early. So, if you ever feel any kind of knee-related problems, such as stiffness or pain, you must go for knee treatment Singapore.

Though it would be best to consult a doctor if the knee pain becomes too frequent, still we are sharing a few home remedies that will help you to ease the pain, and most importantly they are cheap.

  • If you have come across any accidents that directly affects the knee, you must apply heat and cold therapy to the area. Then compress the area with a bandage so it can elevate.
  • Tai Chi is a very popular Chinese technique that provides muscle flexibility.
  • Weight loss exercises
  • Use herbal ointments
  • The bark of the willow tree
  • Ginger extracts, such as ginger tea or ginger spices
